- 對汽車車身進行塗裝,以保護車身表面,同時為汽車增加外觀美感
- 研磨和填充:在噴油前,需要對車身進行研磨和填充,以清除表面的損壞和凹陷,使表面平滑
- 先上底漆,底漆可以增強噴油的附著力和耐久性,同時保護車身表面。
- 使用專業的噴油槍將漆料均勻地噴在車身上,經過數次噴油和乾燥後,可以獲得理想的噴油效果
- 在噴油完成後,需要進行上蜡和抛光,以使車身表面更加光滑,增加光澤度
1. Above Service items are not applicable to Bentley Centres.
2. You will receive a confirmation email once the order of above items is accepted within 2 weeks. Member must make reservation and provide the order number 5 workings days before service.
3. This service is non-transferable and non-refundable.
4. Prices are subject to changes without prior notice.
5. In case of dispute, Dah Chong Hong (Motor Service Centre) Limited’s decision will be final.